Acupuncture is a non-pharmacological treatment that was popular in China 5000 years ago and was unknown to the world until the 19th century but is still very popular today. The disease is cured by touching certain points on the body or by piercing certain points on the body without pain with a needle thinner than the hair. Neurological examination reveals a lack of energy to the internal organs, and the body is energized by acupuncture points. Those who are currently receiving other treatments may have acupuncture with that treatment and then avoid the medication altogether.Some diseases may increase at the beginning of treatment. It will heal completely later. For example, if you have a cough due to phlegm in the lungs, the cough may start early because the disease is mucus in the lungs. Cough is the body’s way of expelling mucus. Thus some diseases can be a sign of change. All diseases can be treated with acupuncture. Acupuncture treatment is very effective for all aches and pains, especially for diseases of the internal organs, lifestyle diseases like pressure and diabetes, asthma, allergies, skin diseases, diseases of women and children, all mental and physical ailments experienced by human beings.
Hijama is a therapeutic treatment that has been practiced for over 3,000 years across the world with Greek, Arab, Chinese origins; wherein cups are applied to specific parts of the body’s skin surface, such as affected areas, muscles and organs to circulate blood, reduce stagnation, reduce inflammation and relieve pain. An excellent preventative therapy to stay healthy and a curative treatment to get well from sickness. In today’s day and age, Hijamah cupping therapy is the best of traditional alternative treatments for all those suffering from various chronic lifestyle diseases. Hijama is great step to rejuvenate your physical, mental and spiritual health holistically
Our available clinics
Accus Acupuncture Home, Venniyur
Perumbuzha Road, Venniyur, Malappuram
09:30AM-02:00 PM
Accus Acupuncture Home, Kattilangadi
Thangal Padi, Kattilangadi, Athavanad
10:00AM-12:00 PM
Accus Acupuncture Home, Valakkulam
Aruamada, Valakkulam, Venniyur
9:30 AM - 2:00 PM
Accus Acupuncture Home, Vailathur
By Pass Road, Banklam Kunnu
03:00 pm - 05:00 pm
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